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Why Nitazoxanide 500 mg Succeeds
08 Jan 2023

Why Nitazoxanide 500 mg Succeeds

A medicine called Nitazoxanide 500 mg can be used to treat several diseases that are caused by parasites.

It can be taken as a pill or an oral suspension, and the recommended dose ranges from once to twice a day, depending on the treated health problem. Nitazoxanide 500mg is used for many things, like treating infections caused by Giardia. This parasite can infect the digestive system and treat conditions caused by Cryptosporidium, another parasite that can cause diarrhea.

These are some of the most common ways that nitazoxanide is used. As long as it is taken as directed, it is usually well-liked. However, some people may experience side effects like nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain when they take this medicine. You must follow your doctor's instructions to get the most out of nitazoxanide.


People with strong immune systems will feel better even if they don't get any treatment. A great way to treat diarrhea and keep its symptoms in check is to drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. People who are already sick or have weak immune systems are more likely to get a disease that is worse and lasts longer.

People like young children and pregnant women who are more likely to get dehydrated from diarrhea should drink a lot of fluids when sick. When a baby has diarrhea, they can lose a lot of fluids quickly, which can be very dangerous. So, parents should talk to their doctors and nurses about how they can help their newborns get more fluids.

Anti-diarrheal medicines might help stop diarrhea from getting worse, but you should talk to a doctor before taking them. Nitazoxanide 500mg is an FDA-approved medicine for people with healthy immune systems who have diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium.

You can only get this medicine with a prescription from a doctor. On the other hand, no one knows if nitazoxanide will help people whose immune systems need to be fixed.

People with HIV who think they might have cryptosporidiosis should talk to their doctor. People with HIV/AIDS will have less or no cryptosporidiosis symptoms if they take antiretroviral medicines that boost the immune system. This is because both conditions are caused by the same parasite. But cryptosporidiosis isn't always a cure, even if the symptoms disappear. The symptoms could come back if the patient's immune system gets worse.

How soon do you feel the medicine's effects?

 After up to five days, diarrhea goes away in about 80% of people who have it. Even though the parasitological cure rate is lower, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still tells all infected people, even those who have finished treatment, not to swim for two weeks after their symptoms have gone away.

It is essential to follow this rule so that this parasite, resistant to chlorine, doesn't spread in public swimming pools and other aquatic facilities.

How exactly should you take this medicine?

 Nitazoxanide can be taken by mouth as either a pill or a liquid (which is a liquid). You should take it with meals once every 12 hours for the first three days. Nitazoxanide 500mg should be taken every day at about the same time. Follow the directions on the label of your medicine carefully, and if you don't understand something on the label, ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain it to you. Nitazoxanide should be taken exactly how the directions say to. You should take only what your doctor tells you to.

Give the suspension a good shake before each use to ensure the medicine is well-mixed. Even if you start to feel better, you still need to take the nitazoxanide until the whole prescription is gone.

Only stop taking nitazoxanide after talking to your doctor first. If you stop taking nitazoxanide too quickly or miss doses, your infection might not completely disappear.

Nitazoxanide Side Effects

 Nitazoxanide may have side effects that the person taking it doesn't want. Most of the time, people who take this medicine have stomach or bowel problems. These reactions could include


●       Feeling sick

●       throwing up

●       diarrhea

●       stomach pain

When someone takes this medicine, they may also notice that their tongue tastes like metal or that they lose their appetite. Nitazoxanide 500mg may cause more serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, liver problems, or changes in blood count, but this is very rare.

During your treatment with nitazoxanide, you should call your doctor right away if you notice any of the following serious side effects:

●       Itchy rash or hives

●       Having trouble breathing or swallowing might be a symptom.

●       The cheeks, lips, tongue, and/or throat may swell up.

●       skin discoloration or yellowing of the whites of the eyes (jaundice)

●       Dark urine

●       Aching or soreness in the abdominal region

●       Fever or flu-like symptoms

●       A decreased desire to eat

You should tell your doctor immediately if you feel bad while taking nitazoxanide. Your doctor may change your dose or switch you to a different medicine to help reduce or eliminate any harmful side effects from the treatment you are already getting.

In addition to the side effects already mentioned, Nitazoxanide  500mg may also interact badly with other medicines, like antacids, blood thinners, and medicines used to treat infections. Before you start nitazoxanide therapy, you should talk to your primary care doctor about all the medicines you are already taking. This will help you avoid any medicine interactions that could happen.

How to take nitazoxanide 

Use Nitazoxanide (Alinia) as directed on the package or by your doctor. Only use in larger or smaller amounts or for what is recommended. Make sure you follow every single instruction on the label of your medicine.

Most of the time, doctors tell patients to take nitazoxanide once every 12 hours for three days. Carefully follow the dose instructions your doctor or nurse gives you.

Give the liquid form of the oral solution a good shake right before you measure out a dose. Use the dosing syringe that came with the medicine or a spoon or cup made for measuring doses of medicine to give the right amount of liquid medication. Your pharmacist should be able to provide you with a device for measuring quantities if you still need to get one.


The right amount of Nitazoxanide  500mg for each patient will be determined individually. If your doctor has told you to do something a certain way, be sure to do it that way. This is true even if your amount is different.

How much medicine a person should take each day is based on how strong the medicine is. Also, the number of doses you should take each day, how long you should wait between doses,

For protozoal infections that cause diarrhea, the recommended dose for the oral form of the medicine (oral suspension) is for adults and children over 12 to take 25 milliliters (mL) of the medicine every 12 hours with food for three days.

●       Children ages 4 to 11 should take 10 mL of the solution every 12 hours for three days, preferably with a meal. 

●       Children ages 1 to 3 should take 5 mL of the solution every 12 hours, preferably with meals, for three days.


Nitazoxanide is a medicine used to treat diarrhea caused by certain protozoa (tiny, one-celled animals). This medicine  belongs to the group of medicines called "antiprotozoals." You can only get this medicine if your primary care doctor writes you a prescription for it

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